Hello Subscribers! I have to apologize for the long period of time that passed since my last e-newsletter. I had issues with my MailChimp account and had to make changes due to the growing number of subscribers. Also, I have taken on some new roles this term as Chair for three committees; The Board of Police commissioners, Halifax and West Community Council, and most recently Chair and Vice chair roles with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. My e-newsletter is maintained outside of HRM so I have to put this together myself, so sometimes there may be a larger gap between each e-news. I will do my best to get these e-newsletters out as frequently as possible.
Uniacke Street Neighbourhood speed limit changes – Some of you may have already read the media reports on this exciting news. Speed limits will be reduced from 50 km/h to 40 km/h in the Uniacke Street neighbourhood (North to Cogswell and between Gottingen and Barrington *map attached). This change is part of Councils focus on making communities safer and has been requested by residents for many years. This change is part of a larger approach to lower speed limits in residential neighborhoods across HRM. The municipality has asked the Province for the power to change residential speed limits for many years and have been required to submit individual streets by request only, so this is one of many neighbourhood that will see changes in the future.
Changes with Bus Routes 7 Robie and 7 Gottingen – Currently route 7 operates with the 7 Robie being the “inbound” direction and the 7 Gottingen being the “outbound” direction. This route will now operate as two routes, the 7A and 7B but will look much the same. The 7A will replace the 7 Robie, and the 7B will replace the 7 Gottingen. The only changes that we may see is that stops Novalea Dr Opposite Leeds St (7376) and St Pauls St Before Vestry St (8350) will be removed due to the routing changes, but these changes are not finalized. With the possibility of losing a shelter with the removal of the St. Pauls St stop, I am working with staff to make sure a shelter is replaced within the area if this stop is removed.
Victoria Hall Heritage Vote at Council – I heard from many residents who were wondering if this proposal was approved, many quoted this article that made them unsure. For clarification, what was presented to Council at our last meeting was the heritage alterations for the Victoria Hall building. The second step would be to deal with the development agreement which will address the new propose building on Creighton St. As I stated in the council meeting, I am concerned with the new proposed building and how this would impact Creighton street directly, and this is something that I will be addressing during the next steps of this process.
List of events and notices – here’s what is included:
- COVID-19 Related information
- Centre Plan Package B “What we heard”
- District 8 – 2021/22 Planned PP&D Capital Work
- Spring Rec programs registration
- St Andrews Centre Wheelchair Basketball Programs
- Community Grants Program 2020/21 – Deadline March 31, 2021
- Building Neighbourhoods for Everyone, With Everyone | March 2021
Items of Interest:
- RoadWorks Map (Sidewalk/street Closures & Disruptions)
- Sign up for hfxALERT
- Road Safety Dashboard
- Halifax Water Board Reports
- North End Business Association
- Quinpool Road Business Association
Contact me:
Phone: 902-579-6975
Email: Lindell.Smith@halifax.ca
Website: www.LindellSmithHfx.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindellSmithHFX/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LindellSmithHFX
311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 8am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9am-5:30pm weekends to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit http://www.halifax.ca/311/
Please send your feedback on issues before Community Council and Regional Council – and on any municipal issue. If you would like to send your comments to all Regional Councillors please email the Clerk’s Office (clerks@halifax.ca) so that your comments are shared and are part of the public record.
If you would like to send events or information to be possibly included in my e-newsletter, please email with the subject line “E-Newsletter”
Covid-19 Related Information
There are many resources available to residents stay updated with the constantly changing information and measures taking place to control the spread of Covid-19 and to help residents stay informed and safe. I will list some below:
- Covid-19 Alert app: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/covid-alert.html
- Covid-19 self-assessment https://covid-self-assessment.novascotia.ca/
- COVID-19 testing and online booking, https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/symptoms-and-testing/
- Government of Canada https://canada.ca/coronavirus
- Province of Nova Scotia https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
- Halifax Regional Municipality https://halifax.ca/coronavirus
Response to COVID-19: Halifax Mobility Response – Streets and Spaces
The first phase of the Halifax Mobility Response plan began earlier this week with the widening of sidewalks in high traffic areas, traffic signal modification and the implementation of temporary loading spaces for businesses in downtown Halifax and Dartmouth. Learn more about these changes, here.
Recreation Information
Effective Friday, March 5th spectators were permitted at municipally owned facilities.
Rental groups will continue to be responsible for COVID-19 screening and tracking of all spectators. No food or drink is permitted, and masks must be worn at all times.
For more information and to review full regulations, visit the website. For spectator capacities in other facilities, please call your local facility.
HRM Meetings/Updates
Centre Plan Package B
HRM is currently in the process of completing Centre Plan Package B is the second part of the Centre Plan that will replace all of the existing established residential zoning in Dartmouth inside the Circumferential, and Peninsula Halifax, create new zoning for Park and institutional areas, and update the Downtown Halifax Plan.
The Centre Plan team created a series of surveys to gather feedback and has recently released the “What We Heard Report”, a summary of the community engagement process and feedback received on Centre Plan Package B. View the report here.
Planning staff are also available for small virtual meetings with neighbourhood groups. To schedule a meeting in November or December, please e-mail planhrm@halifax.ca.
District 8 – 2021/22 Planned PP&D Capital Work
Below you will find the District 8 2021/22 road, sidewalk, and bike lane paving list. Unforeseen circumstances could impact the scheduling and completion of these projects, but we will keep residents updated if this is the case.
Street Recapitalization
Albert St – 20m in from Duffus to Rector
Allan St – Harvard to Oxford (Carryover)
Almon St – Civic 5525 to Gottingen
Cork St – Oxford to Windsor
Dartmouth Ave – 20m in from Duffus to Rector
Drummond Crt – Leaman to Leaman (Carryover)
Gottingen St – North to Almon
Isleville St – Duffus to Drummond (Carryover)
Leaman St – Leeds to Drummond (Carryover
Asphalt Overlays
Massachusetts Ave (E, W) – Robie to McKay Ramps
Robie St – Young to Massachusett
Sidewalk Renewals
Allan St – Oxford to Harvard (S) (Carryover)
Gottingen St – North to Almon (E, W)
Massachusetts Ave – Stanley to Columbus (E, W)
Robie St – Livingstone to Young (E)
AAA Bikeways
Almon St – Windsor to Gottingen – Detailed Design subject to Council approval (Protected Bike Lanes)
Drummond Crt/Leaman Dr – Local Street Bikeway (Carryover)
Leaman Dr to Novalea Dr (Carryover)
Barrington St Repairs
Lady Hammond Rd Bridge Rehabilitation (Carryover)
Planer Patching
Barrington St – Devonshire to McKay Ramp
Windsor St – Almon to Quinpool
Proposed Crack Sealing
Barrington St – Devonshire to Duffus
Barrington St – Rector to Hanover
Brunswick St – North to Cornwallis
Connaught Ave N/B – Bayers to Windsor
Hanover St – Devonshire to Barrington
Hood St – Windsor to Kempt
Kempt Rd – Lady Hammond to 200m E of Commission
Newbery St – Kencrest to Kencrest
Novalea Dr – Duffus to Northridge
Oxford St – Bayers to Edgewood
Quinpool Rd – Monastery to Robie
Richmond St – Devonshire to Barrington
Upper Water St Ramp – Upper Water to Barrington
Windsor St – Edgehill to Bayers
Windsor St – Quinpool to Cunard
Windsor St – Almon to London
Young St – Gottingen to Robie
Spring Rec programs registration
The next opportunity for residents to register for spring recreation programming begins March 23rd at 10 a.m. Programs are viewable online at halifax.ca/myREC\
Participants are encouraged to register by phone at (902)-490-6666, online or in-person at their local recreation centre.
St Andrews Centre Wheelchair Basketball Programs
Learn the fundamentals of wheelchair basketball! For wheelchair and able-bodied athletes ages 7-15. *Quickie Court youth Wheelchairs provided.
Mondays 6:30PM – 7:30PM Starting April 12th (8 weeks)
For more information: parasport@sportnovascotia.ca
Community Grants Program 2020/21 – Deadline March 31, 2021
A reminder that the 2021 Community Grants Program deadline for applications is March 31st . The program provides annual cash grants to registered non-profit organizations and charities located throughout the Halifax region. There are two types of grants:
- a project grant of up to $5,000
- a capital grant of up to $25,000
At present, the program provides assistance to specific types of projects in the following categories:
- Arts and Crafts
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Environment
- Emergency Assistance & Neighbourhood Safety
- History
- Housing
- Leisure
- Recreation
For more information: https://www.halifax.ca/business/doing-business-halifax/community-non-profit-resources/community-grants
For assistance, please contact Peter Greechan, Community Developer for Grants and Contributions, at: 902.490.7310 or greechp@halifax.ca.
Building Neighbourhoods for Everyone, With Everyone | March 2021
Come and find out about all the amazing things that your North End neighbours have to share with you and how you can get involved! With 8 projects and 36 unique sessions to take part in, there’s something for everyone in the month of March. Halifax’s North End is a special place, and home to many people with different languages, cultures, skills and hobbies. Every One Every Day has worked with local residents and organizations to highlight some of these skills and create opportunities for neighbours to connect and share. These activities are designed and hosted by the people who live here and offer inspiration for the kinds of things we could be doing more of to make everyday life better for everyone.
Taking part is easy. The projects you will find here are all about doing practical, creative things with people nearby, and finding more ways for people to connect and learn across the neighbourhood. The wide range of sessions such as neighbourhood walks, making your own dream catcher, or preparing healthy snacks for kids, means that there are many different ways to get involved and fuel your creativity. They are all free to attend and open to everyone. More info here: https://halifaxiseveryone.ca/
Items of Interest:
RoadWorks Map (Sidewalk/street Closures & Disruptions)
View the RoadWorks map to see current and upcoming sidewalk and street closures.
Sign up for hfxALERT
hfxALERT is our mass notification system for the municipality, keeping residents informed about emergencies and operations updates. Sign up here
Road Safety Dashboard
Provides residents with updates regarding the actions outlined in the Strategic Road Safety Framework. Track the progress the municipality is making as we work together to accomplish our Toward Zero goal.
Halifax Water Board Reports
Please find below the link that will take you to the location where all of the Halifax Water Board meeting reports are posted (with the exception of In-Camera reports
North End Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses in the north end please visit the North End Business Association http://gonorthhalifax.ca/ and sign up for their monthly email.
Quinpool Road Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses on Quinpool Road please visit their website: www.quinpoolroad.ca/
My other Committee and Board commitments:
Regional Council
Regional Centre Community Council
Halifax and West Community Council
Community Planning & Economic Development
Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/boards-committees-commissions/h/halifax-peninsula-planning-advisory-committee
Community Design Advisory Committee
Board of Police Commissioners
Halifax Forum
(CACE) The Council on African Canadian Education