District 8 Update #16 – I am away, Council Summary from January 16-17, HRM Event Grant applications due date, Next Halifax Common Master Plan Engagement sessions, Winter Info, +more

Hello Readers,

From January 20th – February 10th I will be participating in International Visitor Leadership Program through The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State and our United States Consulate General of Halifax. The purpose of this project, is to observe many different aspects of the social, economic, political, cultural and educational institutions and practices in the United States. https://eca.state.gov/ivlp
This means, I will have limited access to email and phone during this period, but will be checking periodically. My coordinator will also be monitoring all emails and messages during this period.

List of events and notices – here’s what is included:

  • Council Summary from January 16th & 17th
  • Winter Parking Ban and Snow information
  • HRM Event Grant applications due date
  • Budget Committee 18-19 Budget
  • Transit Priority for Robie Street and Young Street: Public Engagement Session
  • Next Halifax Common Master Plan Engagement sessions
  • African Heritage Month Events
  • Casserole Luncheon at St Margaret of Scotland Church Hall
  • Learn meditation Sponsored by St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church
  • Out of the Cold Emergency Winter shelter needs supplies

Items of Interest

  • January North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes
  • North End Business Association
  • Quinpool Road Business Association
  • Other Committee and Board commitments

Contact me:
Phone: 902-579-6975
Email: Lindell.Smith@halifax.ca
Website: www.LindellSmithHfx.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindellSmithHFX/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LindellSmithHFX
Council Coordinator: Nadine Yuriev
Phone: 902.490.1577
Email: Yurievn@halifax.ca

311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 8am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9am-5:30pm weekends to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit http://www.halifax.ca/311/
Please send your feedback on issues before Community Council and Regional Council – and on any municipal issue. If you would like to send your comments to all Regional Councillors please email the Clerk’s Office (clerks@halifax.ca) so that your comments are shared and are part of the public record.
If you would like to send events or information to be possibly included in my e-newsletter, please email with the subject line “E-Newsletter”


HRM Meetings/Updates
Council Summary from January 16th & 17th

Public Hearing: 6009 and 6017 Quinpool Road (Case 18966)
Regional Council conducted a public hearing for Case 18966. After hearing from a number of speakers, Regional Council deferred the matter and directed staff to prepare a supplementary report which outlines options to allow for an increase to the overall allowable maximum height from 62 meters to 78 meters through the provision of affordable housing units and other enhancements such as those raised at the public hearing as the contribution for any incentive or bonus zoning applicable to the development, and report back to Council no later than March 20, 2018.

HRM Activity Related to Indigenous Affairs – Update and Next Steps
Regional Council directed the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to continue to develop a Municipal Strategy to engage First Nations that is in alignment with the action summary set out in the staff report dated June 28, 2017. This staff report can be found online here: https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/regional-council/180116rc1415.pdf.
Council also directed the CAO, with the support of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, to initiate a dialogue with Indigenous governing organizations with a view to developing relationships with them, designate a Councillor as a representative to act on behalf of the Mayor, when requested by the Mayor, as principal representative for government to government interactions require a political representative as Regional Council’s Indigenous Community liaison and direct staff to report annually to the Executive Committee regarding progress and next steps.

Youth Advisory Committee
Regional Council approved a two-year pilot project to establish a Youth Advisory Committee, to be supported administratively by the Municipal Clerk’s Office, to be developed in two phases, adopted an administrative order to establish a Youth Advisory Committee to come into force on September 1, 2018, adopted amendments to Administrative Order One to direct the Youth Advisory Committee report to the Executive Standing Committee to come into force on September 1, 2018.

Options to Reduce or Eliminate the use of Plastic Shopping Bags in the Municipality
Regional Council directed the Chief Administrative Officer to ensure staff engages with appropriate Nova Scotia Environment staff and members of the Solid Waste-Resource Management Regional Chairs Committee to discuss options including, but not limited to, Extended Producer Responsibility for a unified approach to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic shopping bags in all Nova Scotia municipalities, particularly considering the changing plastic film commodity markets worldwide. Council also directed staff to collaborate to engage with retailers and external experts on options to eliminate or reduce use of plastic shopping bags in the Municipality.Council also directed Mayor Savage to write to the Premier of Nova Scotia to reaffirm HRM’s support for Extended Producer Responsibility and a Provincial ban on retail plastic bags.

Winter Parking Ban and Snow information
When and where you park this winter can have a big impact on snow clearing. To help ensure the streets are properly cleared, the municipality has stepped up its winter parking enforcement in areas around hospitals and schools, bus routes and problem streets for snow equipment and emergency vehicles.
The easiest way to stay informed about the status of overnight winter parking bans is to register for automated notifications by signing up online, emailing contact@halifax.ca or calling 311.  Subscribers will receive timely alerts by phone, email, and/or text message when the ban is in effect and again when it is lifted. Residents who received these notifications last winter will continue to receive the service this year.Find our winter operations info here: https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/winter-operations
Snow clearing timelines: https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/winter-operations/snow-clearingHRM Event Grant applications due date
The deadline for HRM’s community, cultural and tourism event grant programs is Friday, January 26th, at 12:00 noon. More detailed information on each of the specific funding programs can be found online at https://www.halifax.ca/recreation/programs-activities/events/grants.

If you have any questions, please contact Paul Forrest at forrestp@halifax.caor 902 490 6979.

Budget Committee 18-19 Budget
Council is currently in Budget deliberations. All budget meetings are open to the public and agendas are posted online. The public is encouraged to attend the meetings, and are also encouraged to present to Council. Residents have 5 minutes to present to Council on any budget related item. You can contact our Clerks office for more information. Clerk’s Office: clerks@halifax.ca

Budget info here: https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/budget-finances/budgethttps://www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/hfxtax2018

Public Meetings

Transit Priority for Robie Street and Young Street: Public Engagement Session
Planning & Development and Halifax Transit Staff are currently investigating corridor-level transit priority. In conjunction with WSP, HRM Staff will be hosting an open house session on February 1st, 2018 where members of the public will be invited to review and provide feedback on the potential design options for Robie Street and Young Street. The information collected from these sessions will inform the identification.
Thursday, February 1st 6:00 PM – 8:00PM, Maritime Hall, Halifax Forum

Next Halifax Common Master Plan Engagement sessions
The next two Public Engagement sessions for the Halifax Common Master Plan dates are below . Please visit the link below for more information.

The next public workshop will be on Wednesday, January 31st, from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at Citadel High School, Spatz Theatre (entrance 1855 Trollope Street). (Storm date is February 5, 2018. Same venue and time.)
Our third public engagement is booked for Wednesday, March 21st from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, and will be at Citadel High School (Storm date is Monday, March 26th)

If you can make the public events you can take our online survey by visiting Shape Your City, our online engagement tool. https://www.shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/halifax-common-master-plan

Community Events/Meetings

African Heritage Month Events
The 2018 African Heritage Month theme “Educate, Unite, Celebrate Community” will honour and pay homage to African Nova Scotians and their long legacy of uniting a passion that has provided a base to educate and celebrate an important part of Nova Scotia’s culture and Heritage.

African Heritage Month Provincial Launch
Tuesday, January 23rd 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Province House, 1726 Hollis St, Halifax
PLEASE NOTE: space is limited; Province House has a “dress code” and you will have to present ID and be searched to enter the building.

African Heritage Month Opening Night Halifax Public Libraries
Thursday, January 25th 7:00 PM – 8:45 PM Halifax North Memorial Public Library, 2285 Gottingen Street 
African Heritage Month 2018 events happening at Halifax Public Libraries. http://www.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca/programs.html?p=1&sdt=01|18|2018&cat=316 

Casserole Luncheon at St Margaret of Scotland Church Hall
Thursday, January 25th 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM 3751 Robie St (just north of Leeds)
Admission $10.00
Students & Seniors $7.50

Learn meditation Sponsored by St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church
Meditation is an ancient practice that seeks silent communion with the Divine, and brings wholeness of body, mind and spirit. You are invited to come and learn meditation any Thursday morning from 9:15 to 10:45 am for ten weeks from Thursday January 11th until Thursday March 15th. Sponsored by St. Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church, and open to folks of any faith or none. Please call 902-455-2451 for locations or any other information.

Out of the Cold Emergency Winter shelter current list of needed supplies

  • Men Underwear Packs (especially large)
  • Handwarmer and feetwarmer packs
  • Mens pants size 30-38
  • Mens belts
  • Bus Tickets
  • $5 Gift Cards (Tim Hortons, McDonalds etc.)
  • Large clear garbage/recycle bags
  • Cans of decaf coffee and sugar
  • Take out coffee cups and lids

More info here http://www.outofthecoldhalifax.org/supplies.php

Items of Interest:

January North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes:

North End Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses in the north end please visit the North End Business Association http://gonorthhalifax.ca/  and sign up for their monthly email.
Quinpool Road Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses on Quinpool Road please visit their website: www.quinpoolroad.ca/


My other Committee and Board commitments:

Halifax and West Community Council
Next Meeting: January 23rd 6:00 pm | Council Chambers, City Hall
Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times.

Community Planning & Economic Development

Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee (Formally District 7 and 8 Planning Advisory Committee)

Community Design Advisory Committee

Halifax Explosion 100th Anniversary Advisory Committee

Active Transportation Advisory Committee

Transportation Standing Committee

HRM Grants Committee

Halifax Forum

(CACE) The Council on African Canadian Education