District 8 Update #15 – Happy Holidays! Vacation, Last Council Summery, HRM Winter Info, Public Hearing Quinpool & Robie, and More!

Hello Subscribers!

Happy Winter! Below you will find information that will be helpful for this winter, parking ban, HRM snow information, etc.

Please be aware that I will be on Vacation from December 22nd until January 7th. So, I will not be checking email or phone (Unless there is a snow storm). Any urgent matters please call 311 or contact Nadine Yuriev Phone: 902.490.1577 Email: Yurievn@halifax.ca

Also, from January 20th – February 10th I will be participating in International Visitor Leadership Program through The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State and our United States Consulate General of Halifax. The purpose of this project, is to observe many different aspects of the social, economic, political, cultural and educational institutions and practices in the United States. https://eca.state.gov/ivlp

This means, I will have limited access to email and phone during this period, but will be checking periodically.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


List of events and notices – here’s what is included:


  • Last Regional Council Summery
  • Winter Parking Ban in Effect
  • Public Hearing for Case 18966 (Quinpool and Robie)
  • Public Information Meeting for Case 21076 (3834 Robie Street)
  • Website Enhancements
  • Volunteer Awards Nominations Close December 22nd!
  • North End Community Health Centre Good Food Box program is looking for Donations
  • Halifax Forum Farmers’ Market – Last Market before Christmas!

Items of Interest

  • December North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes
  • North End Business Association
  • Quinpool Road Business Association
  • Other Committee and Board commitments

Contact me:

Phone: 902-579-6975

Email: Lindell.Smith@halifax.ca

Website: www.LindellSmithHfx.ca

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindellSmithHFX/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LindellSmithHFX

Council Coordinator: Nadine Yuriev

Phone: 902.490.1577

Email: Yurievn@halifax.ca


311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 8am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9am-5:30pm weekends to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit http://www.halifax.ca/311/

Please send your feedback on issues before Community Council and Regional Council – and on any municipal issue. If you would like to send your comments to all Regional Councillors please email the Clerk’s Office (clerks@halifax.ca) so that your comments are shared and are part of the public record.

If you would like to send events or information to be possibly included in my e-newsletter, please email with the subject line “E-Newsletter”



HRM Meetings/Updates

Last Regional Council Summery

Crosswalk Flags
Regional Council directed staff to continue with identification and pilot testing of various products to enhance the visibility of crosswalks as part of their on-going practice and reinstated the crosswalk flag program to be applied at basic crosswalks until the pilot testing of various products to enhance the visibility of crosswalks is completed. At that time, staff will determine the next steps for the Crosswalk Flag program.

HRM Asset Names
Regional Council approved the addition of the name Graham Downey to the existing Commemorative Names List, removed the second “l” from Balcolm in the Samuel R Balcom Community Centre Park and changed “Commons” to Common in the Eastern Passage Common. Council also named the walkway in the Public Gardens the Queen Elizabeth II Walkway.

Off-Leash Dog Areas Within Parks – Amendment to By-Law
Regional Council gave first reading to the by-law respecting Municipal Parks. This by-law establishes rules of conduct for individuals that extend to their dogs and allows placement of signage to establish usage rules for the park such as off-leash and on-leash areas. The amendments to this by-law would support the implementation of a formal off-leash program.

Social Policy Lens
Regional Council requested a staff report and recommendations with respect to developing a social policy lens through which to assess future initiatives by assessing municipal responses and actions to support; health and livability initiatives, planning and land use policy/by-laws, recreation program delivery, operational services, and other HRM initiatives; explore options for enhanced service delivery, not limited to departmental expansion, dedicated resources, partnerships, etc.); and research what other jurisdictions are doing regarding municipal social policies.

Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Society – Option Agreement
Regional Council approved in public session a motion to surplus and categorize 1940 Gottingen Street, as Economic Development, pursuant to Administrative Order 50; and authorized the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to enter an Option Agreement with the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Society.


Winter Parking Ban in Effect
The municipal overnight winter parking ban will be in effect again this winter season from Friday, Dec. 15th, 2017 through Saturday, Mar. 31st, 2018.

As in previous seasons, the ban will be enforced between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., during declared weather events and extended clearing operations only. Residents are encouraged to plan ahead when snow is in the forecast and secure off-street parking for when the overnight parking ban is enforced.

When and where you park this winter can have a big impact on snow clearing. To help ensure the streets are properly cleared, the municipality has stepped up its winter parking enforcement in areas around hospitals and schools, bus routes and problem streets for snow equipment and emergency vehicles.

The easiest way to stay informed about the status of overnight winter parking bans is to register for automated notifications by signing up online, emailing contact@halifax.ca or calling 311.  Subscribers will receive timely alerts by phone, email, and/or text message when the ban is in effect and again when it is lifted. Residents who received these notifications last winter will continue to receive the service this year. Standard text messaging rates apply.

To help avoid a ticket, and the hassle and costs of being towed, residents should ask themselves these four questions when considering parking on the street this winter:

  • Is the overnight parking ban currently being enforced?
  • Is your car causing a safety issue?
  • Is it making the road impassable?
  • Is it impeding snow operations underway in the area?

For more information on municipal winter operations, please visit www.halifax.ca/snow.


Public Hearing for Case 18966 (Quinpool and Robie)

HRM and APL properties will be moving forward with a public hearing for the policy allowing a building consistent with the policy found in this report, but limited to an overall height of 62 metres (or approximately 20 storeys).

A public hearing has now been scheduled for Tuesday, January 16th, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. at Halifax City Hall (Council Chamber), 3rd Floor, City Hall, 1841 Argyle Street, Halifax, NS.

More info here – https://www.halifax.ca/business/planning-development/applications/case-18966-6009-6017-quinpool-road-halifax


Public Information Meeting for Case 21076 (3834 Robie Street)

Case 21076 – Application by Shelley Dickey Land Use Planning requesting a rezoning of a non-compliant 6-unit dwelling from R-2 (General Residential) Zone to the R-2A (General Residential Conversion) Zone designation located at 3834 Robie Street, Halifax.

The meeting will be held on January 11th from 7:00 – 9:00pm at The NSCC Institute of Technology (Atrium), 5685 Leeds Street, Halifax
More info here – https://www.halifax.ca/business/planning-development/applications/case-21076-3834-robie-street-halifax

Website Enhancements

New Councillor District Look-up tool
To help our you determine who your Councillor is and the district in which you live, a new District Look-up  tool has been created with improved search functionality and interactivity. Upon entering your civic address, you will obtain information on your member of Council; District name, number and webpage; and additional opportunities to engage. To learn more, visit https://www.halifax.ca/city-hall/districts-councillors/district-look

Street Information Map

Website users can now view information on winter operations using the Winter – Street Information Map. By entering street addresses and clicking on the interactive map, you can access data on street priority levels, ownership, and maintenance activities, etc.

Users of the Winter – Street Information Map can also view service standards and the street clearing timelines chart to find out when clearing should take place in specific areas. To remain apprised of snow-clearing efforts, parking bans, service updates and more, visit the halifax.ca homepage or winter operations webpages at halifax.ca/snow.


Volunteer Awards Nominations Close December 22nd!
Do you know a deserving volunteer group or individual? Why not nominate them for a Volunteer Award?

Every year, Mayor Savage and the Halifax Regional Council recognize the extraordinary contributions of individuals and groups who have volunteered their time and skills to provide services and programs in your communities.
Nominate someone now – https://www.halifax.ca/about-halifax/volunteering/volunteer-awards-halifax


Community Events/Meetings

North End Community Health Centre Good Food Box program is looking for Donations
Last year the North End Community Health Centre ran an online campaign to raise funds for our Good Food Box program and exceeded their 2016 holiday fundraising goal!

The Good Food Box program provides monthly nutritious fruits and vegetables to families in need. Donations eliminate or reduce the already low cost for participants. Thanks to this effort, they delivered over 360 food boxes between February and November. That’s more than 36 food boxes delivered each month.
Donate here – https://goodfoodboxhfx.ca/donate/

Halifax Forum Farmers’ Market – Last Market before Christmas!
Last market before Christmas! Get your farm fresh groceries for Christmas dinner and do your last minute holiday gift shop in one spot! Stop in Saturday, December 23rd from 8:00am -1:00pm, Halifax Forum Bingo Hall, 6205 Almon Street. Listen to live music including a Christmas Choir and shop everything local.


Items of Interest:

December North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes:

North End Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses in the north end please visit the North End Business Association http://gonorthhalifax.ca/  and sign up for their monthly email.

Quinpool Road Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses on Quinpool Road please visit their website: www.quinpoolroad.ca/


My other Committee and Board commitments:

Community Planning & Economic Development

Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee (Formally District 7 and 8 Planning Advisory Committee)

Community Design Advisory Committee

Halifax Explosion 100th Anniversary Advisory Committee

Active Transportation Advisory Committee

Transportation Standing Committee

HRM Grants Committee

Halifax Forum

(CACE) The Council on African Canadian Education