Hello Subscribers,
Thank you for sticking around since being elected just over a year ago, it has been an amazing and rewarding year, full of lessons learned, perspectives heard, and knowledge gained. With thousands of emails returned, hundreds of phone calls answered, many many many meetings and events attended, it’s been a busy year so far! All that goes without saying, I have also missed emails, phone calls, and events which I apologize for, but bear with me it’s just my first year in.
Before you read the update, here are some Highlights from the year so far.
- Urban Forestry – As a part of the Urban Forest Master Plan, there were approximately 250 new trees planted in The District for the 2017 season.
- Murray Warrington Park Improvements –New playground was installed in January of 2017.
- HRM Capital Projects has installed new play equipment in Murray Warrington Park. Equipment includes swings for kids aged 5-12 and a special “Parent and Tot” swing where an adult and child can share the same swing, facing each other. A tot lot for children aged 18 months to 5 years has also been installed across from the entrance to the garden. Reinstatement of landscaping was completed in the areas around the new play equipment. A new wheelchair accessible games table was installed along with sidewalk repairs and sod repairs.
- District Capital Funds – Over $65,000 spent on various community projects and initiatives
- New Crosswalks
- HRM has installed two new crosswalks: one on North Street at Gladstone and one on Burnswick Street at Gerrish/Divas.
- District 8 – 2017/18 Capital Work
- Street Recapitalization
- Almon St – Oxford to Gottingen
- Columbus St – Kempt to Massachusetts
- Kempt Rd – Commission to Young
- Robie St – Livingstone to Young
- Stairs St – Kempt to Massachusetts
- Gottingen St – Young to Almon
- Kaye St – Young to Gottingen
- Kenny St – Novalea to Devonshire
- Novalea Dr – Young to Stanley
- Union St – Young to Kenny
- Sidewalk Renewals
- Robie St – Young to Livingstone
- Kempt Rd – Commission to Livingstone
- Almon St – Robie to Civic 6034
- Almon St – Robie to Civic 6055
- Almon St – Gottingen to Isleville
- North St – Chebucto to Oxford
- Street Recapitalization
- Active Transportation
- MacDonald Bridge Bikeway Connector (detailed design)
- Barrington Greenway Planning (North to Niobi Gate)
- Local Street Bikeway Planning (North End & Vernon/Seymour)
- Almon St – Oxford to Gottingen (Bike Lanes – subject to separate council approval)
- Some of my Motions:
- THAT the Committee of the Whole direct staff to add to the over the budget options to increase the Chief Administrative Office Budget under Government Relations & External Affairs for the Diversity and Inclusion office by up to $60,000 for community outreach, engagement, and evaluation for the African Nova Scotian Affairs Integration office, Aboriginal Affairs, and Diversity and Inclusion.
- THAT Halifax Regional Council direct staff to: 1. Create a cross departmental working group to engage external stakeholders, conduct further investigation and recommend with respect to whether or not to adopt a policy framework for the consideration of social economic benefit, employee compensation/living wage and environmental impacts in the procurement process (excluding local preference) and report back to Council
- That the Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee request a staff report to evaluate options to further support the municipality’s participation in the issue of community food insecurity by: 1. Working in partnership with the Halifax Food Policy Alliance (HFPA), including formal endorsement of participation, recognition as an expert advisory group and collaboration on initiatives that promote community food security. 2. Investigate the possibility of creating a Food Charter and Strategy for HRM. 3. Request a study that shows where the most vulnerable communities are within HRM and existing food assets that support community food security. 4. Explore policy barriers, opportunities and enablers to support community food security.
- The Transportation Standing request a staff report outlining the financial impacts of the Low Income Transit Pass Program and the financial and service impacts of removing the limit for participants.
- THAT Halifax Regional Council direct staff to prepare a supplementary report with respect to parking fine alternatives for parking in front of a bus stop, crosswalk, parking on a sidewalk, blocking a driveway, fire-lane, parking in an accessible parking spot without a permit, within (5) meters of a crosswalk, parking in an intersection, and hydrants.
List of events and notices – here’s what is included:
- Kempt Rd/Columbus St/Stairs St – Recapitalization
- Proposed Sale of Surplus Property: Community Interest Category
- Mobile Food Market – North End Hfx
- North By Night Holiday Market
- Halifax United 2017 Community Event
- Community Kitchen
- Local Arts and Crafters Gift Sale
- 16th Annual Prescott Group Christmas Tea and Sale
- Community Christmas Dinner
- Holiday Market at the Shirley Burnstein Hall
- Halifax Crafters Society Winter Market
Items of Interest
- November North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes
- North End Business Association
- Quinpool Road Business Association
- Halifax Regional Council Tuesday, November 14th
- Halifax and West Community Council November 15th
- Other Committee and Board commitments
Contact me:
Phone: 902-579-6975
Email: Lindell.Smith@halifax.ca
Website: www.LindellSmithHfx.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LindellSmithHFX/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LindellSmithHFX
Council Coordinator: Nadine Yuriev
Phone: 902.490.1577
Email: Yurievn@halifax.ca
311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 8am-8pm Mon-Fri, 9am-5:30pm weekends to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit http://www.halifax.ca/311/
Please send your feedback on issues before Community Council and Regional Council – and on any municipal issue. If you would like to send your comments to all Regional Councillors please email the Clerk’s Office (clerks@halifax.ca) so that your comments are shared and are part of the public record.
If you would like to send events or information to be possibly included in my e-newsletter, please email with the subject line “E-Newsletter”
*Please email Lindell.Smith@halifax.ca if you respond to this newsletter. I am currently having technical issues with my Info@lindellsmithhfx.ca account*
HRM Public Meetings and Notices:
Kempt Rd/Columbus St/Stairs St – Recapitalization
Please be advised that Dexter Construction and their subcontractors as agents of Halifax Regional Municipality have permission to work for period every Sunday to Thursday nights from November 10 to December 1, 2017 from 8:00 pm each evening until 7:00 am of the following morning to complete work related to the noted tender.
Public Information Meeting: Proposed Sale of Surplus Property: Community Interest Category
Halifax Regional Municipality invites interested members of the public and non-profit organizations to an Information Meeting regarding the opportunity for registered non-profit organizations and charities to submit a proposal to acquire the following surplus municipal property for purposes that benefit the community or the Municipality:
• Property: PID # 00062604. Site of the Gerald B. Gray Memorial Arena, 10 Monique Avenue, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia (approximately 4.75 acres).
Meeting will be held November 22nd 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Location: Dartmouth North Community Centre, 105 Highfield Park Drive, Dartmouth.
Due to construction parking is now available on Pinecrest Drive; adjacent to the Community Centre.
For more information visit: www.halifax.ca/surplusproperties/communityinterest
Community Events/Meetings
Halifax Explosion Commemorative events
Their are many commemorative events happening around the City. Please visit 100years100stories for detailed event information.
If you have an event or activity that you would like us to include, please contact them with the details.
Mobile Food Market – North End Hfx
The Mobile Food Market offers a great selection of fresh, affordable fruits, vegetables and bread for customers to browse and purchase. All welcome every second Saturday!
Where: Needham Community Centre, 3372 Devonshire Ave.
When: Every second Saturday, next Market Saturday, November 18th
North By Night Holiday Market
Join the North End Business Association and the Neighbourhood for this years Holiday Market. Live music, food trucks, family activities, and more!
When: Saturday, November 18th – 4:00PM to 9:00PM
Where: 2553 Agricola Street (Cyclesmith Parking Lot)
Halifax United 2017 Community Event
A multicultural/multieverything event to bring people together in the face of the current political climate- free admission/family friendly! Music, dancing, spoken word/poetry, and special guests.
The event is alcohol-free, free admission, and very family-friendly!
When: Saturday, November 18th – 12:00PM – 5:00PM
Where: Halifax Forum 2901 Windsor Street
Community Kitchen
Are you interested in learning new recipes? Do you love to cook, and would like to share your skills? Community Kitchens is the place for you! Community Kitchens is open to all members of the community and registration is not needed
When: Monday, November 20th 10:30AM – 1:00PM.
Where: Mulgrave Park Phoenix Youth and Community Centre, 123 & 133 Jarvis Lane, Halifax
Call for more info: (902) 444-3401
Local Arts and Crafters Gift Sale
Shop your favorite local handmade Arts and Crafters. There will be prints, paintings, self-care products, candles, knits, clothing, and more!
When: Saturday, November 25th 2:00PM – 6:00PM
Where: Alteregos Cafe & Catering, 2193 Gottingen Street
16th Annual Prescott Group Christmas Tea and Sale
This is their largest event of the year. Baked goods, preserves, giftware, stocking stuffers, running a silent auction and so much more.
When: Saturday, November 25th 10:00AM – 2:00PM
Where: Prescott Group, 3430 Prescott Street, Halifax
Community Christmas Dinner
Join the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre for a complimentary turkey dinner with all the trimmings! There will be a 50/50 to support their Christmas Cheer program and a door prize draw for a Christmas basket!
When: Saturday, November 25th 12:00PM – 2:30PM
Where: Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, 2158 Gottingen Street
Holiday Market at the Shirley Burnstein Hall
Reboom will be hosting a holiday market. The Market will feature a variety of goods by local Artisans and crafters.
When: Thursday, November 30th 10:00AM – 3:00PM
Where: 2615 Northwood Terrace
Halifax Crafters Society Winter Market
Halifax Crafters Society’s highly anticipated Winter Market! Admission is free!
When: Friday, December 1st 5:00PM – 9:00PM,
Saturday and Sunday December 2nd & 3rd 10:00AM – 5:00PM
Where: Olympic Community Centre, 2304 Hunter Street
Items of Interest:
September North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes:
North End Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses in the north end please visit the North End Business Association http://gonorthhalifax.ca/ and sign up for their monthly email.
Quinpool Road Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses on Quinpool Road please visit their website: www.quinpoolroad.ca/
Halifax Regional Council
Tuesday, November 14th 2017 10:00am | Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
The next meeting of Halifax Regional Council will take place on Tuesday, November 3rd at 10:00am at Halifax City Hall. Agenda and reports are posted by noon on Friday prior to the meeting date and are available at http://www.halifax.ca/council/agendasc/cagenda.php
Notable Motions:
- 13.1 Amendments to the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and the Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-Law (LUB) for 6009 and 6017 Quinpool Road, Halifax. https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/regional-council/171114rc131.pdf
- Motion: That Information Report item 4 Case 18966 – Amendments to the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and the Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-law (LUB) for 6009 and 6017 Quinpool Road, Halifax, be added as a regular agenda item for questions of clarification.
- 14.1.3 First Reading Proposed By-Law B-203, an Amendment By-Law B-201, Respecting the Building Code – Incentives for Affordable Housing Projects. https://www.halifax.ca/sites/default/files/documents/city-hall/regional-council/171114rc1413.pdf
- Motion: That Halifax Regional Council give First Reading to the amendments to By-law B-201, the Building By-law, as set out in Attachment C of the staff report dated October 31, 2017, to exempt building permit fees for developments proposed by not-for-profit organizations or charities that include affordable units.
Halifax and West Community Council Reports and Agendas
Next Meeting: November 15th 6:00 pm | Council Chambers, City Hall
Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times.
My other Committee and Board commitments:
Community Planning & Economic Development
Next meeting: November 16th 10:00am | Council Chambers, City Hall
Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee (Formally District 7 and 8 Planning Advisory Committee)
Community Design Advisory Committee
Halifax Explosion 100th Anniversary Advisory Committee
Active Transportation Advisory Committee
Transportation Standing Committee
HRM Grants Committee
Halifax Forum
(CACE) The Council on African Canadian Education