District 8 Update #10 – Regional Council Summary, PB, Mobile Food Market Back for the Summer, Community Events, +more! (Long Update)

List of events and notices – here’s what is included:


  • Participatory Budget/ Vote Night
  • June 13th Regional Council Summary:
  • Point Pleasant Park Weekend Bike Access Pilot Program
  • HRM Spring Tree Planting
  • The Mobile Food Market is Back for the Summer!
  • Alliance Française Make Music Day
  • Shelter Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting and Employee Recognition Awards Presentation
  • Community Beautification Day – Uniacke Square
  • Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre’s open house and information session
  • Ward 5’s Annual General Meeting
  • North End Community Circle 6th Annual Community BBQ
  • Unveiling of Our Common Wood
  • Joseph’s A. McKay SJAMboree
  • Family SOS is in search of new board members
  • The Ecology Action Centre’s seeking a full-time Research and Evaluation Coordinator

Items of Interest

  • June North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes:
  • Russell Street has been converted back to 2-way traffic
  • North End Business Association
  • Quinpool Road Business Association
  • Halifax Regional Council Tuesday, June 20th 2017 10am
  • Other Committee and Board commitments


Contact me:

Phone: 902-579-6975

Email: Lindell.Smith@halifax.ca

Website: www.LindellSmithHfx.ca


Council Coordinator: Nadine Yuriev

Phone: 902.490.1577

Email: Yurievn@halifax.ca

311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days/week from 7 am to 11 pm to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit http://www.halifax.ca/311/

Please send your feedback on issues before Community Council and Regional Council – and on any municipal issue. If you would like to send your comments to all Regional Councillors please email the Clerk’s Office (clerks@halifax.ca) so that your comments are shared and are part of the public record.


Participatory Budget/ Vote Night

I would like to apologies for any confusion that may have been caused for the cancellation of Vote Night on June 8th. I realized that not everyone received the notices and emails prior to the June 8thevent.

Due to the lack of application, and when combined they all came just under the $56,000 allocated for PB. This means that all applications will be processed and reviewed, with no need to vote.

I look forward to making this bigger and better for 2019!

HRM Public Meetings and Notices:

June 13th Regional Council Summary:

Bloomfield property

A discussion on the Bloomfield property was deferred until the August 15, 2017 meeting of Regional Council, pending further discussions with the Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial (CSAP), Imagine Bloomfield group, and stakeholders.

Special Elections
Regional Council adopted By-law A-405, making the use of telephone and personal computing devices the only means of voting to be used for any special election required prior to the 2020 regular municipal election. Council also requested a staff report on improved security around electronic voting and increased voter participation following a special election.

Public Hearing – Sidewalk Cafes
A public hearing was held regarding a proposed Amendment to By-law S-1002, the Sidewalk Café By-law, that would allow businesses who are tenants the option of providing written consent of the property owner, as is currently required, or paying a security based on linear footage when applying to have a sidewalk café. Regional Council approved the proposed amendment.

Centre Plan
After a staff presentation and report to Council, Councillors voted to authorize staff to continue to “Step 4 Approvals Process” of the Centre Plan Engagement Strategy as well as adopt a framework for amending existing and new planning documents under the new Plan. A full report and more information on the Centre Plan can be found at http://centreplan.ca/

On-Street Parking Exemptions and Permits
Council voted in favour of a motion by Councillor Sam Austin to direct staff to prepare a report considering amendments to a By-law that would allow residents with Residential Parking Exemption permits to display permits in their back windows for better visibility and reduce ticketing errors.


Point Pleasant Park Weekend Bike Access Pilot Program
The Halifax Regional Municipality is inviting cyclists to enjoy Point Pleasant Park on Saturdays and Sundays during the 2017 summer and fall seasons.

For years, bicycles were only permitted in the park during weekdays. The Weekend Bike Access Pilot Program will temporarily lift these restrictions, allowing more people to enjoy Point Pleasant Park this summer.

The pilot program will run from Saturday, June 17 to Sunday, October 29, 2017.

An extension of the pilot program will depend on participation rate by cyclists, as well as how well it’s received by park users. Municipal staff will be conducting a full review of the program upon its conclusion.

For more information about the pilot program, please visit http://www.halifax.ca/PointPleasantPark/index.php.

HRM Spring Tree Planting
Halifax Regional Council approved HRM’s Urban Forest Master Plan (UFMP) in 2012. Since then, over 6,000 new street trees have been planted. This spring’s goal is to plant an additional 1,100 trees. HRM’s urban forest consists of all trees within the urban core, including street trees, park trees, and trees on private and public land. Starting within the next couple weeks, HRM staff will be planting 191 new street trees in Districts 8 & 9. Starting dates are dependent on tree delivery and weather.

The progress of the UFMP street tree planting project will be monitored by faculty and students from Dalhousie University’s School for Resource and Environmental Studies (SRES). Please remember you can report street tree damage to our Citizen Call Centre at: 311.

For more information about the UFMP please visit our website at: http://www.halifax.ca/Property/UFMP/index.php

 For more information about the UFMP please visit our website at:  http://www.halifax.ca/Property/UFMP/index.php


The Mobile Food Market is Back for the Summer!
Saturday, June 17th 9:30am – 11:00am, at the Devonshire Arena

The Mobile Food Market is back!

Community Events/Information:

Alliance Française Make Music Day
Wednesday, June 21st from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the bandstand, Halifax Public Gardens

Open Mic, Free Admission


Shelter Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting and Employee Recognition Awards Presentation
Wednesday, June 21st 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Brunswick Street Mission, 2107 Brunswick Street.

Employee Recognition Awards Presentation & light refreshments will be served between 5:00 and 5:30. Please rsvp to emilyroeding@shelternovascotia.com by June 18, 2017.


Community Beautification Day – Uniacke Square
Saturday, June 24th 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m, Uniacke Square

The Beautification Day will involve various agencies and citizens in a litter clean-up and flower planting. The event will culminate with a lunchtime BBQ and entertainment on Uniacke Street, which will be closed to traffic from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.


Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre’s open house and information session
Thursday June 29th 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre, 2158 Gottingen Street

Join the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre’s for their open house and information session to discuss the future of the MNFC


Ward 5’s Annual General Meeting
Monday, June 26th 7:00 pm, 5540 Russell Street

Join Ward 5 as they review the past year (Apr 1st – March 31st) of activities.
They will also be installing a new Life Time Member. RSVP to Joy Corkum at joyc@ward5.org


North End Community Circle 6th Annual Community BBQ
Wednesday, June 21st 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm at 3460 Isleville Street (Rain date June 22nd 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm)


Unveiling of Our Common Wood
Wednesday, June 21st 10:00 am at the Halifax Common

As part of National Aboriginal Day celebrations happening on June 21st, HRM and The Deanery Project will be unveiling a set of five wood sculptures on the Halifax Common. The permanent exhibit, titled “Our Common Woods” will be installed in the coming weeks, and artists Alan Syliboy, Erin Phillips, Gary Staple, Theo Heffler, and Steve Sekerak, will be on hand to discuss their work. Learn more here: http://thedeaneryproject.com/for-immediate-release-our-common-woods-felled-trees-return-to-the-common-as-public-art-installations/


St. Joseph’s A. McKay SJAMboree
Friday, June 23rd 10:00 am to 1:30pm, Africville Park

Spend the day celebrating our community and the end of a great school year.

  • Games & Activities
  • Music & Art
  • Food & Fun
  • Walking Tour
  • If you’d like to help out with BBQing or other activities, please let the school know: 902-493-5180


    Family SOS is in search of new board members
    Family SOS is also looking for a 2018 Courage to Give Back Awards Ambassador. Their Free Program registration for their Gottingen Street Summer Camps opens Thursday, June 29th from 1:30-4:30pm or email kayla@familysos.ca


    The Ecology Action Centre’s seeking a full-time Research and Evaluation Coordinator
    The Ecology Action Centre’s food team is seeking a full-time Research and Evaluation Coordinator for the Our Food: Reconnecting Food and Community Project. The position is based in the Halifax office and is a one year maternity leave replacement.

    Please visit https://ecologyaction.ca/jobs for the full job description or see attached. Applications are due June 23rd, 2017 by 4pm.


    Items of Interest:

    June North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes:

    Next Roundtable: Wednesday, July 5th, 2017. 10:00 am at Veith House


    Russell Street has been converted back to 2-way traffic
    If you are not already aware, please be advised that Russell Street has been converted back to 2-way traffic after being converted to a One-way street during the construction of St. Joseph’s Square. Staff analyzed this location after many request from residents and parents, and concluded that keeping Russell Street for one-way traffic would have negative impacts on the street. Please be aware of this change.


    North End Business Association
    For an update on what is happening with businesses in the north end please visit the North End Business Association http://gonorthhalifax.ca/  and sign up for their monthly email.


    Quinpool Road Business Association
    For an update on what is happening with businesses on Quinpool Road please visit their website: www.quinpoolroad.ca/


    Halifax Regional Council
    Tuesday, June 20th 2017 10am | Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers

    The next meeting of Halifax Regional Council will take place on Tuesday, June 20th at 10am at Halifax City Hall. Agenda and reports are posted by noon on Friday prior to the meeting date and are available at http://www.halifax.ca/council/agendasc/cagenda.php
    Notable Motions:

    14.1.11 Indoor Ice Surfaces Review

    That Halifax Regional Council:

    1. Categorize the Gray Arena as “Community Interest” under Administrative Order 50 and undertake the disposal process for the property;
    2. Operate the Gray Arena for the 2017/18 prime season and adjust the rental rate to be consistent with the rates at Cole Harbour Place, should the arena be required pursuant to decisions regarding construction timelines at Cole Harbour Place, as outlined in the staff report dated June 9, 2017;
    3. Categorize the Bowles Arena as “Extraordinary” under Administrative Order 50 and give notice to the adjacent property owner that the property is surplus to municipal requirements and that the property owner shall have thirty (30) days to respond in writing of its intent to purchase or not to purchase in accordance with the Right of First Refusal and Agreement dated January 1, 2014; and in the event the adjacent property owner advises in writing of its intent to not to purchase the Bowles Arena, categorize the Bowles Arena as “Community Interest” under Administrative Order 50 and undertake the disposal process for the property;
    4. Consider funding in the 2018/19 capital budget for the demolition of the Devonshire Arena and retain the property for future municipal recreation usage;
    5. Retain the Lebrun arena for the 2017/18 season and adjust rental rate to be consistent with both 4-Pad arenas to allow for a transition period;
    6. Direct staff to return to Regional Council with usage and other related statistics following the 2017/18 season to confirm the future of the Lebrun Arena; and
    7. Direct staff to complete additional analysis on the Halifax Forum project including further building condition assessment and related renovation feasibility, as well as the potential for a future Dalhousie University arena, and report back to Regional Council prior to undertaking the project.

    14.1.12 Options for Scoring of Local Preference, Social Economic Benefit, Employee Compensation /living Wage and Environmental Impact

    That Halifax Regional Council:

    Direct staff to create a cross departmental working group to engage external stakeholders, conduct further investigation and recommend with respect to whether or not to adopt a policy framework for the consideration of social economic benefit, employee compensation/living wage and environmental impacts in the procurement process (excluding local preference) and report back to Council.

    14.2.4 Willow Street Local Street Bikeway

    That Halifax Regional Council:

    1. Request a staff report on adding a new corridor connecting candidate Local Street Bikeway routes Charles Street to Allan/Oak Street, as presented at the September 15, 2016 meeting of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee to the Active Transportation Priorities Plan; and

    2.That the requested staff report also include the addition of any and all Active Transportation candidate routes identified in the Cole Harbour Basin Open Space Plan to the Active Transportation Priorities Plan.


    Halifax and West Community Council Reports and Agendas
    Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times. http://www.halifax.ca/commcoun/west/index.php


    My other Committee and Board commitments:

    Community Planning & Economic Development


    Halifax Peninsula Planning Advisory Committee (Formally District 7 and 8 Planning Advisory Committee)

    Community Design Advisory Committee

    Halifax Explosion 100th Anniversary Advisory Committee

    Active Transportation Advisory Committee

    HRM Grants Committee

    Halifax Forum

    (CACE) The Council on African Canadian Education