List of events and notices – here’s what is included:
- Participatory Budgeting is here! Proposal Submission Deadline!
- The Mobile Food Market Finial weekend!
- Low Income Transit Program
- Case 18966 – 6009-6017 Quinpool Road Public Hearing Postponed
- Work begins on restoration of Fort Needham Memorial Park
- Planning and Development HRM Survey
- Halifax Transit’s Ferry Naming Contest
- SJAM Home & School annual St Joseph’s A McKay Spring Fair!
- Doors Open Halifax
- Parker Street Food & Furniture Bank Hali-ditarod fundraising event
- The Community Health Team looking for Community Advisors
- Free Film Screening of My Week on Welfare
- Halifax Greek Fest
- Casserole Luncheon St Margaret of Scotland Church Hall 3751 Robie St
Items of Interest:
- North End Community Circle Roundtable May Notes
- 2017-18 and 2018-19 Approved Municipal Budget
- HRM Public Consultation and Survey: Peace, Order, Good Government and Natural Person Powers
- Curbside Give Away Weekend
- Update on Angus L Macdonald Bridge Redecking
- North End Business Association
- Quinpool Road Business Association
- Other Committee and Board commitments
Contact me:
Phone: 902-579-6975
Email: Lindell.Smith@halifax.ca
Website: www.LindellSmithHfx.ca
Council Coordinator: Nadine Yuriev
Phone: 902.490.1577
Email: Yurievn@halifax.ca
311 – HRM’s Call Centre
HRM’s call centre is open 7 days/week from 7 am to 11 pm to respond to routine inquiries and complaints from HRM residents. Please use this service since it helps HRM keep track of issues that are of concern for residents (missed solid waste pickup, sidewalks not cleared, transit info or complaints, etc.) For more information please visit http://www.halifax.ca/311/
Please send your feedback on issues before Community Council and Regional Council – and on any municipal issue. If you would like to send your comments to all Regional Councillors please email the Clerk’s Office (clerks@halifax.ca) so that your comments are shared and are part of the public record.
HRM Public Meetings and Notices:
I am inviting District 8 residents’ to provide their input on how to spend $56,400 in the community. The funds will be allocated using the Participatory Budgeting model that was used last year’s District 8 Participatory Budget vote. The benefits of this process are that it encourages great ideas to come forward from local groups, builds community support and collaboration, and gives local residents a direct say in how they want the District 8 capital funds spent.
Proposal Submission Deadline (Extended)
Noon | Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Email to nadine.yuriev@halifax.ca or by mail Nadine Yuriev, Council Support Office PO Box 1749 Halifax, NS B3J 3A5
District 8 Participatory Budget Community Vote!
Thursday, June 8, 2017 | 6 PM to 9 PM
Main Hall, Italian Canadian Cultural Association | 2629 Agricola Street
District 8 residents of all ages are invited to vote on their favorite projects in person. Residents can drop by anytime between 6:00-9:00pm to vote. Successful projects will be announced that evening.
Learn more about Participatory Budgeting here: https://lindellsmithhfx.ca/pb/
The Mobile Food Market Finial weekend!
The Mobile Food Market is back! Now set up at the Needham Recreation Centre every second Saturday from 9:45-11:15am until May 20th.
Low Income Transit Program
The low income transit pass programs purpose is to make monthly transit passes more affordable for low income residents. Those participating in the program will be able to purchase monthly adult transit passes for 50% off the regular price.
Applications are now being accepted. Libraries and Halifax Recreation Centre’s will also have applications available.
Please note that pilot program participants who would like to continue to participate in the program beyond June 2017 must re-apply for the permanent program.
Please visit Halifax Transits webpage for more info: http://www.halifax.ca/transit/LowIncomePass.php
Case 18966 – 6009-6017 Quinpool Road Public Hearing Postponed
The public hearing to discuss an application to amend the Halifax Planning Strategy and Halifax Peninsula Land Use By-law to permit a primarily residential high rise building with commercial uses at and near the ground floor at 6009-6017 Quinpool Rd. has been postponed. The meeting was originally scheduled for Tuesday, May 23 at 6 p.m. at Halifax City Hall.
APL Properties Limited has asked for additional time to revise its proposal.
Should APL Properties submit a revised proposal for consideration, a public hearing will be scheduled at a later date to consider the application.
More info here: http://www.halifax.ca/planning/applications/Case18966Details.php
Work begins on restoration of Fort Needham Memorial Park
Work over the next several months will include landscaping around the Halifax Explosion Memorial Bell Tower with a new plaza for the annual ceremonies, a new staircase commemorating the lost community of Richmond, an enhanced natural children’s playground, and improvement to the park entrances, main pathways, and lighting.
It should be noted the off leash dog section of the park will remain open during the various construction phases. There will be fencing separating the work areas from the accessible areas.
Work will start on the south end of the park, so access on Needham Street will be temporarily closed. Users are encouraged to use the entrance on Union Street. Pedestrian traffic will be maintained during construction, and the contractor will have signs at the entrances to guide park users.
Work crews will be on site Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.
Residents will also notice trees are be removed during the revitalization project. There has been a thorough assessment by our Urban Forester Supervisor and staff. The trees that are being removed are either dead, unhealthy, or are intrusive species. I will have more information regarding this in my next newsletter.
Planning and Development HRM Survey
The municipality is looking to improve the way we communicate on planning and development issues. We would like to hear a little about yourself and your thoughts. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey. Thank you for your participation!
Take the Survey: http://fluidsurveys.com/s/LetUsKnowWhatYouThink/
Halifax Transit’s Ferry Naming Contest
Cast your vote to name the newest Halifax Transit ferries. The municipality is inviting residents to vote in favour of one of five names proposed for the two newest replacement harbour ferries. The two names that receive the most votes will be declared the winners and sent to Transport Canada for approval.
Residents have until May 21, 2017 to complete the brief survey.
Finalist Names:
- Vincent Coleman
- Ruth Goldbloom
- Rita Joe
- Burnley ‘Rocky’ Jones
- Raymond Taavel
Vote Here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HarbourFerries
Community Events/Information:
SJAM Home & School annual St Joseph’s A McKay Spring Fair!
Saturday May 27th, 2017 from 11am-2pm
St Joseph’s A McKay’s lower yard and school gym. All games are $1.00 each and they will have a full canteen available! Along with a bouncy castle and an obstacle course!
Doors Open Halifax
June 3-4, 2017| various locations around HRM
Doors Open Halifax Heritage Society is happy to present a roster of nearly 30 venues for this year’s event. Buildings in the Halifax area will open their doors to the public for free and invite them to view interiors not usually accessible. People will have a chance to explore a variety of venues that represent the dynamics of our history, our culture and the industry that has shaped the region. This is a family-friendly event and will run from 10am-4pm. For more information, visit http://doorsopenhalifax.com/
Parker Street Food & Furniture Bank Hali-ditarod fundraising event
Sunday, May 28th, 2017 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. | Emera Oval
The Hali-ditarod takes the famous Alaskan Iditarod race and replaces the dogs with people, snow gear is replaced by costumes and the sleds are shopping carts. This one-of-kind event incorporates a shopping cart race, costume contest, games, and food and fundraising drive to end up with a great time for everyone. Parker Street Food & Furniture Bank is pleased to introduce this wacky and unique, fun-for-all event to Halifax!
The Community Health Team looking for Community Advisors
Community Health Teams are currently looking for Community Advisors to partner with to work on various quality and safety projects.
They are looking for people how want to:
- Provide feedback?
- Help design the future of the Community Health Teams?
- Provide advice based on your experience as a citizen and community member?
- Make sure citizen and family centered care is at the core of all decision making?
Contact them if you are interested in finding out more:
Email: cht@nshealth.ca
Phone: 902-460-4560
Free Film Screening of My Week on Welfare
Thursday June 1st, 6:00 p.m. Halifax North Memorial Public Library
My Week on Welfare is a documentary about the state of the welfare system in Nova Scotia. Filmmaker (and former welfare recipient) Jackie Torrens chronicles the stories of several welfare recipients.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Fiona Traynor from Dal Legal Aid, and Aron Spidle and Sherreace Higgins who appeared in the documentary.
Refreshments and Child Care provided free of charge.
Halifax Greek Fest
June 8-11, 2017 | St. George’s Greek Community Centre
Join the Greek Community in Halifax for a celebration of culture, food, and history! Throughout the four day event, there will be opportunities to experience traditional Greek dancing, view the exhibit room featuring Greek lifestyle crafts, art replicas and religious artifacts, or take a tour of the Byzantine Greek Orthodox Church. This event is for the whole family, and more information is available at www.greekfest.org
Casserole Luncheon St Margaret of Scotland Church Hall 3751 Robie St
Thursday June 1st 11:30 a.m. to 1 :00 p.m.
Admission $10. 00 Students & Seniors $7.50
Items of Interest:
May North End Community Circle Roundtable Notes:
Next Roundtable: Wednesday, June 7th, 2017. 10:00 am at The North Memorial Public Library
2017-18 and 2018-19 Approved Municipal Budget
Regional Council approved the municipal budget on Tuesday, April 11, 2017. This year marks the introduction of a multi-year budgeting approach for the municipality. View highlights of the 2017-18 municipal budget here: http://www.halifax.ca/budget/documents/BudgetHighlights2017-18.pdf
Visit the HRM Budget webpage to learn more and to also view our Multi-Year Financial Strategy 2017 – 2021 booklet and our Proposed Multi-Year Budget booklet
HRM Public Consultation and Survey: Peace, Order, Good Government and Natural Person Powers
The purpose of this consultation is to seek resident input on the municipality having natural person powers (NPP), possible ways NPPs could be used, and the restrictions that might be beneficial to include. HRM staff are hoping to gather information from this consultation that will inform restrictions and draft legislation that will be shared with the Province for consideration. A public survey will be available on the Shape Your City website until the end of April and is available by visiting http://shapeyourcityhalifax.ca/natural-person-powers/survey_tools/advancing-the-ability-to-deliver-programs-services-and-reduce-red-tape-survey
Curbside Give Away Weekend June 3rd and 4th
Place re-usable household items at the curb in front of your home on Friday evening. Only place items for “FREE” with “Free” stickers or signs on items.
Update on Angus L Macdonald Bridge Redecking
For information about the redecking project (2015-2017) go to Big Lift: www.thebiglift.ca
North End Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses in the north end please visit the North End Business Association http://gonorthhalifax.ca/ and sign up for their monthly email.
Quinpool Road Business Association
For an update on what is happening with businesses on Quinpool Road please visit their website: www.quinpoolroad.ca/
Halifax Regional Council
Tuesday, May 23rd 2017 10am | Halifax City Hall, Council Chambers
The next meeting of Halifax Regional Council will take place on Tuesday, May 9that 10am at Halifax City Hall. Agenda and reports are posted by noon on Friday prior to the meeting date and are available at http://www.halifax.ca/council/agendasc/cagenda.php
Halifax and West Community Council Reports and Agendas
Please check the webpage here for agendas (usually available a week before the meeting), locations and times. http://www.halifax.ca/commcoun/west/index.php
My other Committee and Board commitments:
Community Planning & Economic Development
Notable Motion from this week:
12.3.1 Councillor Smith – Support for the Halifax Food Policy Alliance
- Motion passed that the Community Planning and Economic Development Standing Committee request a staff report to evaluate options to further support the municipality’s participation in the issue of community food insecurity by:
- Working in partnership with the Halifax Food Policy Alliance (HFPA), including formal endorsement of participation, recognition as an expert advisory group and collaboration on initiatives that promote community food security.
- Investigate the possibility of creating a Food Charter and Strategy for HRM.
- Request a study that shows where the most vulnerable communities are within HRM and existing food assets that support community food security.
- Explore policy barriers, opportunities and enablers to support community food security.
District 7 & 8 Planning Advisory Council
Community Design Advisory Committee
Halifax Explosion 100th Anniversary Advisory Committee
Active Transportation Advisory Committee
HRM Grants Committee
Halifax Forum
(CACE) The Council on African Canadian Education